Everyone, who hates too bold girls and likes humiliating them, should take a lesson from this gyno doctor, who likes making confident girls tremble with fear and hates such sluts like this one
If only all girls he examines on a daily basis without any pleasure were as obedient and sexy as this one, he would examine them like crazy
This nude female exam is such a hell for this nude girl, who has never passed thru checkups like this. The doctor not only palpates her in a dirty way and "fucks" her ass with a thermometer, but also makes the babe do nude exercises
Every secretary, thinking that typing and phone calling skills are the only must have talents for getting this job, is mistaken. Because this company hires only sex skilled girls, able to please two or more cocks at once and ready for extreme hardcore exp
Medical procedure is turned out to be just ass spanking and extreme body whipping
for Slaves in Love
They call this dildo DP "yet another job test". This secretary is able neither to call this some way or other, nor to think at all
They start with asking questions about her sex life and end up with an examination of her lingerie. What a humiliation
Just as amnesia is a great way for people to forget traumatic events, "from a scared babe to a senseless doll" transformation is the best way for this girl to pass thru this crazy gyno exam